Pisces New Moon

Boundaries. Unconditional Love. Dreams.

During Pisces season we are closing out the astrological year. Endings and new beginnings are the pervading themes, and this presents a perfect opportunity to look at how we are currently holding our boundaries. Dreamy Pisces is aware of the oneness and interconnectivity of all things, and can easily get lost in these realms and can perhaps wake up to find themselves surrounded by sharks. As one who has a natal Mars in Pisces, I am all too familiar with the porousness and absorbency of the Piscean archetype!

Wring Out Your Energetic Sponge.

Typically Full Moon’s are when we want to release things, however this New Moon is all about clearing out the old and making way for the new. Before we can leap into spring with play with Aries fire we should be sure not to bring any of last years’ baggage with us. Now is an excellent time to take a look at how the people who are closest in proximity to us on a regular basis, wether it be family, friends, coworkers, or the bus driver, and gauge how our interactions make us feel before, during, and after those exchanges. Are there people around you that pull you in to their emotional undertow? Pisces is also the sign of unconditional love, and it can seem impossible not to do everything you can for those you love. It also speaks of emotional manipulation and escapism. Are you perhaps over-giving of yourself as a way to avoid tending to your own needs? What are those needs?

Boundaries: A Guide to Making Essential Life Decisions”
Psychology Today

Get Straight With Your Emotions

Pisces is a mutable, water sign which means it deals with changing, adaptable emotions. I know we’re all sick about hearing how important it is to meditate, so I’ll avoid that trope- but it is a great idea! Perhaps sitting in a park solo is in order, or take the dogs out for a long walk. Take time to stop for a moment and marvel at the changing of the seasons, reminding us that even when all seems stark and grey out, there are still blooms waiting to burst. It just needs a little more time to percolate.

Neptune, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon, rules the waters- both the calm streams and terrible typhoons. Since we are ultimately the rulers of our emotions, where are we creating emotional storms? Take a moment to name the pervasive emotions you’ve been harboring and relate them to weather patterns or bodies of water.


Right now my loudest emotion is tied to fear around finances. The sky’s are dark and stormy, like The Tower card. Waves crash from the left and right and my arm is reached upward as I reach out for help from above. The salt water rushes past my lips and splashes against the back of my closed throat, but I spit it out and keep treading water.

Well, that’s not fun, and there’s much to unpack there… I suggest you try it out for yourself!

For myself, I picture the time I was at Little Crater Lake for an early twenty-something birthday. It was late May and I followed a water-lands trail through reeds and lupine, the early morning sun illuminating the open emerald, amethyst alpine meadow. The clearly defined trail hugs a giggling stream, leading you to the clearest azure spring whose depths are unseen. Just by being there she nourishes everything around her, as her outlets and inlets are no longer frozen over.

The water is still, a mirror of the endless expanse above and yet the gaze pierces the veil and searches through the gradients of blue marveling and the untapped well of resources beneath supported by the earth herself.

Day Dream Believer

The New Moon in Pisces is the perfect time to start writing down those dreams. They might not make sense now, but after time passes you might start to see some common themes start to pop up. Pay extra attention to what any water might be doing! Is it snowing? Are you stranded in a desert? I’ll be the first to admit I have a difficult time in keeping up with this practice, but every time I re-read a dream entry long forgotten about I find new insights and delight in the experience!

What would you like to see happen in this next astrological cycle?

Get lost in those daydreams for a moment, no need to figure out the how right now, just give in the stream of consciousness and lean in to your wildest fantasies. Who knows what could happen!! Well, now, you do! We can’t always get what we want, but if you don’t even know what that is, how can we be given the opportunity?

Journal Prompts

  • How have your interactions with others influenced your emotional landscape? Who brings light into your life?

  • What has been weighing on your heart and mind? What emotions are coming to surface lately?

  • What needs to be released in order to create space for new beginnings? Write about any habits or beliefs that no longer serve you.

  • Have you been receiving any intuitive nudges lately? How can you connect more with your own intuition and discernment?

  • What are my dreams for this year? Write down those deepest desires and intentions for the future!

  • How can you express your artistic side? Write about any creative projects or ideas you feel inspired to pursue.


Tending the Fires of Fear and Rage this Beltane


Journey of a Tat-Witch