
and oracle services

Free Readings…

Long before I had my tattoo practice was my tarot practice, a key tool for understanding my mental health and grounding in to the Now. In my darkest hours, when I was unable to show up for myself, I found guidance through the Algorithm that provided uncanny resonance and provided a lifeline out of the current situation. It has now become increasingly clear that I am now being called to contribute to the sea of voices and guidance.

These are general readings meant for a large group of people, so know that not everything is bound to resonate. It is up to you connect with your intuition and discern what is for you, and leave the rest. If anything does resonate, leave a comment and let me know!

Tattoo & Tarot

Are you one of the many who know only that they want a tattoo but are unsure of what to get? Why not let the cards decide?! Creating flash designs for no one in particular is challenging for me, and quite frankly this sounds like a much more fun.

Speaking of frank, be sure to check out my Lisa Frank flash!

How’s It Work?

First we’ll start with the reading, which will also act as the consultation. Expect this to take an hour. Afterwards we’ll have a good idea of where the design is headed. If there is any subject matter that sticks out you can always choose from there, otherwise we’ll pick a date, get the deposit, and let the design show itself.