Scribe’s Corner
A Blog for the Intersection of Tarot, Astrology, Witchcraft, and Mental Health
Tattoos have always been a crucial part of my mental health journey as I was able to reclaim and empower my body. This is not dissimilar to my interest in the woo, with tarot and natal chart astrology work. There are a lot of keys to healing if you know where to look! I have found myself in the unique position to combine all of my Great Loves now that I realize they all seem to pointing in the same direction.
I have a bossy chart that tells me I need to write about my experiences and share them with people, so here I am doing just that, unsure of what is all going to look like in the end!
Recent Posts…
Out of the Darkness and into the Light.
Long have I suffered, but recently felt such a shift and share with you as close to live-time as I can muster. Coming back to center proves more challenging than one might expect, but like the allegory of Plato’s cave, once you get a glimpse of that person you were before the hardening.
The road is everlong.
Before your eyes is my mental health journey, shared with the world on bequest of my Guides. Bossy, gentle, and sweet loving Guides.
Sounds like someone I know! (it’s me.)
The Path
Tattoo News
Collective Tarot Readings
In my darkest hours, when I felt I had no other options or guidance, nor the energy or perceived mastery to show up to my decks for myself, I found great help via Readers on YouTube. They have changed through the years, has have my understandings of Things, but their unique voices have offered priceless glimmers of hope and invited and unexpected level of ease.
I am now being called to contribute my voice to algorithm, in hopes that they may reach the ears of anyone who needs to hear them.
Star Seeker
There’s so much more to astrology than just your sun sign!
It can seem overwhelming at first, but it’s my joy to share with you the incredible transformative capabilities that one’s natal chart holds. We can also see how the our energetic blueprint can be activated during certain times, and also grants radical acceptance for aspects and attributes deemed “less savory".
Blog Feed
Tending the Fires of Fear and Rage this Beltane
The trauma is both Flame and Pyre
Clear your lungs, become the Fire
Tarot Oracle reading for post-election overwhelm, or just plain ol' overwhelm if this reaches you at another time. If you are caught doom scrolling, stuck in fight/flight/freeze, or feeling completely at a loss after the US elections, this reading is for you!